Prospectus 課程概覽
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Prospectus provides a comprehensive overview of HKMU and its offerings for prospective students. It includes essential details such as courses, degrees, fees, and other aspects critical to students’ university journey. |
- Courses supplement : distance learning programmes, part-time face-to-face programmes, e-learning programmes. April 2015 presentation 學科簡介 : 遙距學習課程, 兼讀制面授課程, 網上學習課程. 2015年4月學期
- Prospectus for new students : distance learning programmes, part-time face-to-face programmes, e-learning programmes. April 2015 presentation 課程概覽 (新生專用) : 遙距學習課程, 兼讀制面授課程, 網上學習課程. 2015 年4月學期
- Courses supplement : distance learning programmes, face-to-face postgraduate programmes, e-learning programmes. 2015 autumn term 學科簡介 : 遙距學習課程, 面授深造課程, 網上學習課程. 2015年秋季學期
- Prospectus for new students : distance learning programmes, face-to-face postgraduate programmes, e-learning programmes. 2015/2016 academic year 課程概覽 (新生專用) : 遙距學習課程, 面授深造課程, 網上學習課程. 2015/2016 學年
- Courses supplement : distance learning programmes, part-time face-to-face programmes, e-learning programmes. October 2014 presentation 學科簡介 : 遙距學習課程, 兼讀制面授課程, 網上學習課程. 2014年10月學期
- Prospectus for new students : distance learning programmes, part-time face-to-face programmes, e-learning programmes. October 2014 presentation 課程概覽 (新生專用) : 遙距學習課程, 兼讀制面授課程, 網上學習課程. 2014 年10月學期
- Courses supplement : distance learning programmes, part-time face-to-face programmes, e-learning programmes. April 2014 presentation 學科簡介 : 遙距學習課程, 兼讀制面授課程, 網上學習課程. 2014年4月學期
- Prospectus for new students : distance learning programmes, part-time face-to-face programmes, e-learning programmes. April 2014 presentation 課程概覽 (新生專用) : 遙距學習課程, 兼讀制面授課程, 網上學習課程. 2014 年4月學期
- Courses supplement : distance learning programmes, part-time face-to-face programmes, e-learning programmes. October 2013 presentation 學科簡介 : 遙距學習課程, 兼讀制面授課程, 網上學習課程. 2013年10月學期
- Prospectus for new students : distance learning programmes, part-time face-to-face programmes, e-learning programmes. October 2013 presentation 課程概覽 (新生專用) : 遙距學習課程, 兼讀制面授課程, 網上學習課程. 2013年10月學期