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The Final Year Project is attempted by students in the final year of undergraduate Honours degree computing programmes. The project is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their ability to integrate the knowledge and techniques that they have learned in all the courses. It is also useful for kick starting a computing student's career - showing to employers the capacity to develop computing and IT solutions for a problem of intermediate complexity.
Lo, Ka Ho Cheng, Wang To Cheung, Hang Tak Lui, Kwok Fai Andrew 呂國輝
School / Unit
School of Science and Technology (S&T)
1st runner-up, Final Year Project (FYP) Competition (18th), 2021 (IEEE(HK) Computational Intelligence Chapter, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Hong Kong Section)
Ho, Lok Hei Nick 何樂禧 Ma, Hiu Tung Apple 馬曉彤 Yee, Chun Heng Henry 余浚鏗 Ng, Sin Chun Vanessa 吳倩珍
School / Unit
School of Science and Technology (S&T)
WSP Asia Best Innovation Award (Sub-degree and Undergraduate section), Young Professionals Exhibition & Competition YPEC, 2020 (Younger Members Section of the Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong (IET Hong Kong YMS))