CP - nursing.jpg   护理学学士学位的同学须完成毕业专题研究,透过亲历专题研究的过程,加深他们对护理研究的理解。此作品集展出获得杰出海报奖和最佳海报奖的作品,得奖作品反映学生在设计海报内容和报告技巧方面均有优秀的表现。
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Physical activity under COVID-19 and its relationship on mental well-being of secondary school students in Hong Kong
Physical activity under COVID-19 and its relationship on mental well-being of secondary school students in Hong Kong
A cross-sectional descriptive study on knowledge, attitude and source of information in Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) of Hong Kong adults
A cross-sectional descriptive study on knowledge, attitude and source of information in Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) of Hong Kong adults
Knowledge, attitude, and practice of hand hygiene among nurses in Hong Kong during COVID-19
Knowledge, attitude, and practice of hand hygiene among nurses in Hong Kong during COVID-19
Prostate cancer screening behaviour and associated factors among Hong Kong Chinese : adopting the health belief model using a cross-sectional design
Prostate cancer screening behaviour and associated factors among Hong Kong Chinese : adopting the health belief model using a cross-sectional design
The effectiveness of a 4-week app-based mindfulness intervention (ABMI) for perceived stress reduction among fresh graduates of higher education institutions in Hong Kong : a pretest-posttest with control group design
The effectiveness of a 4-week app-based mindfulness intervention (ABMI) for perceived stress reduction among fresh graduates of higher education institutions in Hong Kong : a pretest-posttest with control group design
The experience of waterpipe smoking among university students in Hong Kong : a descriptive qualitative study
The experience of waterpipe smoking among university students in Hong Kong : a descriptive qualitative study
Effectiveness of drawing-based art therapy in reduction of anxiety level among family caregivers of persons with physical disability in Hong Kong : a quasi experimental study
Effectiveness of drawing-based art therapy in reduction of anxiety level among family caregivers of persons with physical disability in Hong Kong : a quasi experimental study
Effects of laughter yoga on the stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms of baccalaureate nursing students : A quasi-experimental study
Effects of laughter yoga on the stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms of baccalaureate nursing students : A quasi-experimental study
Exploring the underdevelopment of animal-assisted intervention in Hong Kong : a descriptive qualitative study of non-governmental organizations' experience
Exploring the underdevelopment of animal-assisted intervention in Hong Kong : a descriptive qualitative study of non-governmental organizations' experience
The association between beliefs about medicines, medication self-efficacy and medication adherence among community dwelling elderly in Hong Kong : cross sectional descriptive and correlational study
The association between beliefs about medicines, medication self-efficacy and medication adherence among community dwelling elderly in Hong Kong : cross sectional descriptive and correlational study
The correlation between parents' health beliefs and intention to vaccinate primary school children against influenza in Hong Kong
The correlation between parents' health beliefs and intention to vaccinate primary school children against influenza in Hong Kong