(145 - 168 of 341)


Physical activity under COVID-19 and its relationship on mental well-being of secondary school students in Hong Kong
Physical activity under COVID-19 and its relationship on mental well-being of secondary school students in Hong Kong
Rain or shine, it's time to dine! : Tsui Wah Holdings Limited
Rain or shine, it's time to dine! : Tsui Wah Holdings Limited
Tactics for small and medium-sized toy factories in China to deal with European and US toy safety requirements
Tactics for small and medium-sized toy factories in China to deal with European and US toy safety requirements
The guardian of old age : Vinda International Limited Holdings
The guardian of old age : Vinda International Limited Holdings
Using event camera to detect, track, and classify the human body
Using event camera to detect, track, and classify the human body
Washroom Easy : an intelligent application in searching an available washroom in a large shopping mall
Washroom Easy : an intelligent application in searching an available washroom in a large shopping mall
Yu-Gi-Oh MR assistance system
Yu-Gi-Oh MR assistance system
rEVolutionary : BMW Group
rEVolutionary : BMW Group
人生不是賽跑 = Life is not a race
人生不是賽跑 = Life is not a race
商場如戰場 = Warmart
商場如戰場 = Warmart
城寨風雲傳 = The story of the Kowloon Walled City
城寨風雲傳 = The story of the Kowloon Walled City
好好說話 = Speaking well
好好說話 = Speaking well
幾時剃腳毛? = When shave your leg?
幾時剃腳毛? = When shave your leg?
從《魔海奇緣》及《魔龍王國》看迪士尼公主電影中女性與生態關係的發展與轉變 = The transformation of princess characters in Disney animation : an ecofeminist reading of Moana and Raya and the Last Dragon
從《魔海奇緣》及《魔龍王國》看迪士尼公主電影中女性與生態關係的發展與轉變 = The transformation of princess characters in Disney animation : an ecofeminist reading of Moana and Raya and the Last Dragon
愛麗絲夢遊圖書館 = Alice in Libraryland
愛麗絲夢遊圖書館 = Alice in Libraryland
接受不完美 = Accepting imperfection
接受不完美 = Accepting imperfection
玩斗奇兵 : 舊玩具回收計劃 = 'We "R" Toys' : repurposing old toys scheme
玩斗奇兵 : 舊玩具回收計劃 = 'We "R" Toys' : repurposing old toys scheme
疫下情 = Affection
疫下情 = Affection
突破與囹圄 : 歐美新女性機械人形象研究 = Progress or regress : new images of female robots in European and American cinema
突破與囹圄 : 歐美新女性機械人形象研究 = Progress or regress : new images of female robots in European and American cinema
褐葉飄落時, 就讓我們燃花化縷 = Let flower be smoke when brown leaf flies
褐葉飄落時, 就讓我們燃花化縷 = Let flower be smoke when brown leaf flies
鉛筆的背後 = Pencil
鉛筆的背後 = Pencil
