(25 - 48 of 78)


我們消失的「兩小時」 = The missing secrets of our "Two Hours"
我們消失的「兩小時」 = The missing secrets of our "Two Hours"
當這裡沒有龐克 = When there was no punk
當這裡沒有龐克 = When there was no punk
Automating first-screening interview : conversation with chatbot and report generation
Automating first-screening interview : conversation with chatbot and report generation
Using event camera to detect, track, and classify the human body
Using event camera to detect, track, and classify the human body
Washroom Easy : an intelligent application in searching an available washroom in a large shopping mall
Washroom Easy : an intelligent application in searching an available washroom in a large shopping mall
Yu-Gi-Oh MR assistance system
Yu-Gi-Oh MR assistance system
從《魔海奇緣》及《魔龍王國》看迪士尼公主電影中女性與生態關係的發展與轉變 = The transformation of princess characters in Disney animation : an ecofeminist reading of Moana and Raya and the Last Dragon
從《魔海奇緣》及《魔龍王國》看迪士尼公主電影中女性與生態關係的發展與轉變 = The transformation of princess characters in Disney animation : an ecofeminist reading of Moana and Raya and the Last Dragon
玩斗奇兵 : 舊玩具回收計劃 = 'We "R" Toys' : repurposing old toys scheme
玩斗奇兵 : 舊玩具回收計劃 = 'We "R" Toys' : repurposing old toys scheme
疫下情 = Affection
疫下情 = Affection
A cross-sectional descriptive study on knowledge, attitude and source of information in Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) of Hong Kong adults
A cross-sectional descriptive study on knowledge, attitude and source of information in Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) of Hong Kong adults
Knowledge, attitude, and practice of hand hygiene among nurses in Hong Kong during COVID-19
Knowledge, attitude, and practice of hand hygiene among nurses in Hong Kong during COVID-19
Prostate cancer screening behaviour and associated factors among Hong Kong Chinese : adopting the health belief model using a cross-sectional design
Prostate cancer screening behaviour and associated factors among Hong Kong Chinese : adopting the health belief model using a cross-sectional design
The effectiveness of a 4-week app-based mindfulness intervention (ABMI) for perceived stress reduction among fresh graduates of higher education institutions in Hong Kong : a pretest-posttest with control group design
The effectiveness of a 4-week app-based mindfulness intervention (ABMI) for perceived stress reduction among fresh graduates of higher education institutions in Hong Kong : a pretest-posttest with control group design
The experience of waterpipe smoking among university students in Hong Kong : a descriptive qualitative study
The experience of waterpipe smoking among university students in Hong Kong : a descriptive qualitative study
A Chinese character training mobile application for dyslexia children through machine learning and augmented reality
A Chinese character training mobile application for dyslexia children through machine learning and augmented reality
AI-powered question generator
AI-powered question generator
An investigation of multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm for better performance and its application to signalized traffic problem
An investigation of multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm for better performance and its application to signalized traffic problem
Dr. Cell : an immersive, controller-free VR game for promoting health awareness from the perspective of human body defense mechanism
Dr. Cell : an immersive, controller-free VR game for promoting health awareness from the perspective of human body defense mechanism
Educate positive image for teenagers about blood donation with virtual reality
Educate positive image for teenagers about blood donation with virtual reality
Effects of laughter yoga on the stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms of baccalaureate nursing students : A quasi-experimental study
Effects of laughter yoga on the stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms of baccalaureate nursing students : A quasi-experimental study
Exploring the underdevelopment of animal-assisted intervention in Hong Kong : a descriptive qualitative study of non-governmental organizations' experience
Exploring the underdevelopment of animal-assisted intervention in Hong Kong : a descriptive qualitative study of non-governmental organizations' experience
