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- Fast Authentication of Concentrated Chinese Medicine Granules (CCMG) by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Attenuated Total Reflection (FTIR-ATR) with chemometrics
- Portfolio optimization models through metaheuristics approach : addressing the index tracking problem
- Investigate the microbial diversity and biogenic amines level in fermentation processes of traditional Chinese soybean products
- Leveraging semantics for question target identification and answer ranking in question answering systems
- Tactics for small and medium-sized toy factories in China to deal with European and US toy safety requirements
- A novel nitrogen-doped zinc oxide (ND-ZnO) algal-bioreactor system for methylene blue wastewater treatment
- The distribution and abundance of antibiotics and heavy metals in mangrove sediments and their effect on sediment microbial composition and diversity
- Modelling and optimization of microalgae cultivation process integrated with organic waste treatment facility
- The potential of foodwaste leachate treatment and biomass manufacturing system for biofuel production
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