(49 - 72 of 103)


Microalgae biomass with specific emphasis on using selected microalgae in treating food waste filtrate
Microalgae biomass with specific emphasis on using selected microalgae in treating food waste filtrate
Pigment-based chemotaxonomy : a new way to determine the CO2 effects on phytoplankton assemblages of two algal classes chlorophyceae and dinophyceae
Pigment-based chemotaxonomy : a new way to determine the CO2 effects on phytoplankton assemblages of two algal classes chlorophyceae and dinophyceae
Safety awareness and firefighting skills training through virtual reality on mobile phones and computers
Safety awareness and firefighting skills training through virtual reality on mobile phones and computers
Using multi-objective optimization approach in evolutionary clustering for time-evolved dataset
Using multi-objective optimization approach in evolutionary clustering for time-evolved dataset
A virtual reality application for visual art education
A virtual reality application for visual art education
An investigation of performance on two phase local search and multi-objective ant colony optimization
An investigation of performance on two phase local search and multi-objective ant colony optimization
Classification of short answers for semi-automated grading and feedback in online assessment
Classification of short answers for semi-automated grading and feedback in online assessment
Discovery of molecular biomarkers for safety testing and authentication of seafood products
Discovery of molecular biomarkers for safety testing and authentication of seafood products
Nimble Body : a mobile application with wireless sensor for a reliable and fast measurement of range of motion
Nimble Body : a mobile application with wireless sensor for a reliable and fast measurement of range of motion
Treatment of cockroach phobia with graded exposure in augmented reality
Treatment of cockroach phobia with graded exposure in augmented reality
VR rehearsal simulator
VR rehearsal simulator
VR serious game for treatment of trypophobia
VR serious game for treatment of trypophobia
A virtual reality game for exercise with motion capture and body sensors
A virtual reality game for exercise with motion capture and body sensors
Augmented reality gift-box DIY system SOSGift
Augmented reality gift-box DIY system SOSGift
Improved adaptive global replacement scheme for MOEA/D-AGR
Improved adaptive global replacement scheme for MOEA/D-AGR
Not just a wall : mobile augmented reality and for sharing multimedia campus moments and enhancing campus climates
Not just a wall : mobile augmented reality and for sharing multimedia campus moments and enhancing campus climates
Running treasure hunt game with smartphone and indoor positioning technologies
Running treasure hunt game with smartphone and indoor positioning technologies
Using particle swarm techniques to solve multi-objective optimization problems
Using particle swarm techniques to solve multi-objective optimization problems
A book finding app for the library
A book finding app for the library
An enhanced safety assessment model for toy products
An enhanced safety assessment model for toy products
Environmental stimulating factors and physiological mechanism of diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxin production in microalgae
Environmental stimulating factors and physiological mechanism of diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxin production in microalgae
FluteKit : a mobile learning application for beginners to train rhythmic skills and learn flute fundamentals
FluteKit : a mobile learning application for beginners to train rhythmic skills and learn flute fundamentals
Piano assistant for beginner
Piano assistant for beginner
Synthesis of 2,4-Diamino-Triazine compounds and its metal complexes as potential candidate of anticancer drugs, antibacterial and their properties on adsorption of volatile organic compounds
Synthesis of 2,4-Diamino-Triazine compounds and its metal complexes as potential candidate of anticancer drugs, antibacterial and their properties on adsorption of volatile organic compounds
