- 題名
- Fast Authentication of Concentrated Chinese Medicine Granules (CCMG) by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Attenuated Total Reflection (FTIR-ATR) with chemometrics
- 創建者
Fung, Siu Hang 馮肇衡
Wong, Sze Wan Emily 黃詩韻
Sze, Tung Po Eric 史東甫
Lee, Wang Fat Fred 李宏發 - 學院 / 部門
- School of Science and Technology (S&T)
- 日期
- Dec 2023
- 存取限制
- HKMU Users Only
- 題名
- Portfolio optimization models through metaheuristics approach : addressing the index tracking problem
- 創建者
Yuen, Man Chung 阮汶聰
Hung, King Fai Kevin 熊景輝
Leung, Man Fai Henry 梁文輝 - 學院 / 部門
- School of Science and Technology (S&T)
- 日期
- 18 Sep 2023
- 存取限制
- HKMU Users Only
- 題名
- Investigate the microbial diversity and biogenic amines level in fermentation processes of traditional Chinese soybean products
- 創建者
Poon, Miu Yee 潘妙兒
Sze, Tung Po Eric 史東甫 - 學院 / 部門
- School of Science and Technology (S&T)
- 日期
- May 2023
- 存取限制
- HKMU Users Only