(97 - 120 of 399)


Energy optimization of screw type chillers, chilled water pumps, and cooling towers in HVAC systems
Energy optimization of screw type chillers, chilled water pumps, and cooling towers in HVAC systems
Enhancing the knowledge of Chinese orthography in junior education
Enhancing the knowledge of Chinese orthography in junior education
Enhancing visitors’ experience on revitalized historic buildings with augmented reality
Enhancing visitors’ experience on revitalized historic buildings with augmented reality
Enterprise strategy analysis : Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd.
Enterprise strategy analysis : Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd.
Environmental stimulating factors and physiological mechanism of diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxin production in microalgae
Environmental stimulating factors and physiological mechanism of diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxin production in microalgae
Explore Hong Kong young adults' perception of Big Waster social media campaigns of environmental protection = 探討香港年輕人對「大嘥鬼」社交媒體環保企劃宣傳的看法
Explore Hong Kong young adults' perception of Big Waster social media campaigns of environmental protection = 探討香港年輕人對「大嘥鬼」社交媒體環保企劃宣傳的看法
Explore the Mainland market : Tao Heung Holdings Limited
Explore the Mainland market : Tao Heung Holdings Limited
Exploring the underdevelopment of animal-assisted intervention in Hong Kong : a descriptive qualitative study of non-governmental organizations' experience
Exploring the underdevelopment of animal-assisted intervention in Hong Kong : a descriptive qualitative study of non-governmental organizations' experience
Fast Authentication of Concentrated Chinese Medicine Granules (CCMG) by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Attenuated Total Reflection (FTIR-ATR) with chemometrics
Fast Authentication of Concentrated Chinese Medicine Granules (CCMG) by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Attenuated Total Reflection (FTIR-ATR) with chemometrics
Fast Retailing ☓ OUHK
Fast Retailing ☓ OUHK
Feature extraction and classification of electroencephalogram using empirical mode decomposition
Feature extraction and classification of electroencephalogram using empirical mode decomposition
Feel the roly poly = Feel 不倒不是 Feel 不到
Feel the roly poly = Feel 不倒不是 Feel 不到
FluteKit : a mobile learning application for beginners to train rhythmic skills and learn flute fundamentals
FluteKit : a mobile learning application for beginners to train rhythmic skills and learn flute fundamentals
Foxconn ☓ Ocean Park Hong Kong
Foxconn ☓ Ocean Park Hong Kong
Framework for user behavioral biometrics identification on a mobile platforms
Framework for user behavioral biometrics identification on a mobile platforms
Furnish-It-Yourself : a mobile furnishing simulator with augmented reality
Furnish-It-Yourself : a mobile furnishing simulator with augmented reality
Future innovation in the electronics industry : Lenovo
Future innovation in the electronics industry : Lenovo
Gender differences in students' attitudes to and interest in science learning
Gender differences in students' attitudes to and interest in science learning
Go-Putonghua : an online learning platform for self-learners to learn putonghua
Go-Putonghua : an online learning platform for self-learners to learn putonghua
Grab and cook
Grab and cook
Graph embeddings for predicting traffic accident black spots
Graph embeddings for predicting traffic accident black spots
Hello Japanese : an adaptive mobile learning application for beginners to learn fundamental Japanese language
Hello Japanese : an adaptive mobile learning application for beginners to learn fundamental Japanese language
