(1 - 24 of 56)


"Before I die, I want to …" message wall = 「死前遺願清單」留言牆
"Before I die, I want to …" message wall = 「死前遺願清單」留言牆
Actka : indoor positioning & smart guidance
Actka : indoor positioning & smart guidance
BeCandle : Home Scent = BeCandle : 家 • 香
BeCandle : Home Scent = BeCandle : 家 • 香
CanChat : Cantonese Empathetic Chatbot for Secondary School Student
CanChat : Cantonese Empathetic Chatbot for Secondary School Student
Green star : multi-object detection technology for waste classification and detection
Green star : multi-object detection technology for waste classification and detection
MockChiller mocktail by Summi Group = MockChiller 果味特飲 by Summi Group
MockChiller mocktail by Summi Group = MockChiller 果味特飲 by Summi Group
Sign language detection and recognition
Sign language detection and recognition
Youth services discord chatbot
Youth services discord chatbot
一千分之一秒 = In the gaze of a second
一千分之一秒 = In the gaze of a second
我們消失的「兩小時」 = The missing secrets of our "Two Hours"
我們消失的「兩小時」 = The missing secrets of our "Two Hours"
當這裡沒有龐克 = When there was no punk
當這裡沒有龐克 = When there was no punk
解願鬼探 = A life unfinished
解願鬼探 = A life unfinished
Automating first-screening interview : conversation with chatbot and report generation
Automating first-screening interview : conversation with chatbot and report generation
Using event camera to detect, track, and classify the human body
Using event camera to detect, track, and classify the human body
Washroom Easy : an intelligent application in searching an available washroom in a large shopping mall
Washroom Easy : an intelligent application in searching an available washroom in a large shopping mall
Yu-Gi-Oh MR assistance system
Yu-Gi-Oh MR assistance system
從《魔海奇緣》及《魔龍王國》看迪士尼公主電影中女性與生態關係的發展與轉變 = The transformation of princess characters in Disney animation : an ecofeminist reading of Moana and Raya and the Last Dragon
從《魔海奇緣》及《魔龍王國》看迪士尼公主電影中女性與生態關係的發展與轉變 = The transformation of princess characters in Disney animation : an ecofeminist reading of Moana and Raya and the Last Dragon
玩斗奇兵 : 舊玩具回收計劃 = 'We "R" Toys' : repurposing old toys scheme
玩斗奇兵 : 舊玩具回收計劃 = 'We "R" Toys' : repurposing old toys scheme
疫下情 = Affection
疫下情 = Affection
A cross-sectional descriptive study on knowledge, attitude and source of information in Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) of Hong Kong adults
A cross-sectional descriptive study on knowledge, attitude and source of information in Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) of Hong Kong adults
Knowledge, attitude, and practice of hand hygiene among nurses in Hong Kong during COVID-19
Knowledge, attitude, and practice of hand hygiene among nurses in Hong Kong during COVID-19
Prostate cancer screening behaviour and associated factors among Hong Kong Chinese : adopting the health belief model using a cross-sectional design
Prostate cancer screening behaviour and associated factors among Hong Kong Chinese : adopting the health belief model using a cross-sectional design
