(25 - 48 of 339)


White Cane programme 2022/2023 = 瞳.理.行 : 視障人士運動支援服務
White Cane programme 2022/2023 = 瞳.理.行 : 視障人士運動支援服務
BeCandle : Home Scent = BeCandle : 家 • 香
BeCandle : Home Scent = BeCandle : 家 • 香
Break through yourself for a better transformation
Break through yourself for a better transformation
CASETiFY x Disney Villains : awaken the villain in me = CASETiFY x Disney Villains : 喚醒我的反派人格
CASETiFY x Disney Villains : awaken the villain in me = CASETiFY x Disney Villains : 喚醒我的反派人格
Explore Hong Kong young adults' perception of Big Waster social media campaigns of environmental protection = 探討香港年輕人對「大嘥鬼」社交媒體環保企劃宣傳的看法
Explore Hong Kong young adults' perception of Big Waster social media campaigns of environmental protection = 探討香港年輕人對「大嘥鬼」社交媒體環保企劃宣傳的看法
Feel the roly poly = Feel 不倒不是 Feel 不到
Feel the roly poly = Feel 不倒不是 Feel 不到
I'm lost = 迷
I'm lost = 迷
Immersive badminton experience = 沉浸式羽毛球體驗
Immersive badminton experience = 沉浸式羽毛球體驗
L.E.D. (Light, Emotion, Darkness) = 星·情
L.E.D. (Light, Emotion, Darkness) = 星·情
Leung So Kee : reverse the rain, create the ego = 梁蘇記 : 顛倒晴雨之美, 打造個性印記
Leung So Kee : reverse the rain, create the ego = 梁蘇記 : 顛倒晴雨之美, 打造個性印記
Mindful Sparks : to spark your mind
Mindful Sparks : to spark your mind
MockChiller mocktail by Summi Group = MockChiller 果味特飲 by Summi Group
MockChiller mocktail by Summi Group = MockChiller 果味特飲 by Summi Group
Put litter in, get letters out = 愛要大聲講
Put litter in, get letters out = 愛要大聲講
Readiness to being ready
Readiness to being ready
Recommendation models based on user behavior sequences
Recommendation models based on user behavior sequences
The impact of celebrity-product gender incongruity on female consumers' brand evaluation = 廣告代言名人與產品性別不一致對女性消費者品牌評價的影響
The impact of celebrity-product gender incongruity on female consumers' brand evaluation = 廣告代言名人與產品性別不一致對女性消費者品牌評價的影響
The moments I had = 我曾擁有的瞬間
The moments I had = 我曾擁有的瞬間
The use of music, lyrics and jingle in snack industry TVC = 歌詞在零食電視廣告中的應用
The use of music, lyrics and jingle in snack industry TVC = 歌詞在零食電視廣告中的應用
Xiqu Centre : a whole new experience of Cantonese Opera 戲曲中心 : 不一樣的戲曲體驗
Xiqu Centre : a whole new experience of Cantonese Opera 戲曲中心 : 不一樣的戲曲體驗
一個BB的誕生 = A baby's born
一個BB的誕生 = A baby's born
一千分之一秒 = In the gaze of a second
一千分之一秒 = In the gaze of a second
